Unfinished an yet accomplished

In most of the cases, there is a reason why a piece was not or could not be finished. The case of Franz Schubert differs a bit; who would deny the perfection of his symphony in B minor D 759 that consists of only two movements and is commonly known as the “unfinished symphony”? Combined with Schubert’s overture in the Italian style D 590 and the symphony fragment D 729, the concert programme is very unusual, just after conductor Elisabeth Attl’s fancy.

When the conductor additionally is in cohorts with a writer and a puppeteer, an exciting adventure for all senses is guaranteed. Puppeteer Nikolaus Habjan gives shape and voice to Angelika Reitzer’s “heaven’s mechanic”, a literary reflection on the fragment. The Camerata Schulz will form the musical base of the concert. This new programme constellation will be awaiting the public of the MuTh, the concert hall of the Vienna Boys’ Choir at the Vienna Augarten on 18 November 2014 at 7.30 pm. It might be a departure to another type of concerts in frame that includes different art forms. 

Link to the programme of the MuTh

Link to a trailer on Radio Stephansdom